DVT Specialist

Goldman Vein Institute
Board Certified Vein and Vascular Specialists located in Abacoa, Jupiter, FL & Wellington Mall, Wellington, FL
Having a blood clot in a deep vein might not seem like a big deal if you don’t have symptoms. However, it can lead to life-threatening complications without treatment. At Goldman Vein Institute in Jupiter and Wellington, Florida, board-certified vascular specialists Saluja Varghese, MD, RVT, RPVI, Alexander Goldman, MD, RVT, RPVI, and their team diagnose and treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to reduce your chances of getting a pulmonary embolism as a result. To find out more about DVT and possible complications, call Goldman Vein Institute or book an appointment online today.
What is DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when you develop a blood clot in the deep venous system. You can develop DVT anywhere in your body, but your thighs or lower legs are the most common areas.
One very serious potential complication of DVT is pulmonary embolism, or a blood clot traveling to your lungs. A pulmonary embolism is an emergency, and you’ll need care right away if it happens. If you don’t have symptoms from DVT by itself, a pulmonary embolism could be the first indication that you have DVT.
What are the symptoms of DVT?
DVT doesn’t always cause symptoms. In fact, only about half of people with DVT develop any symptoms to indicate that they have it. If you develop symptoms, they might include:
- Foot or leg swelling on one side
- Leg cramping
- Warmth to the touch
- Redness
- Bluish skin tone
You should book an appointment at Goldman Vein Institute right away if you notice any of these symptoms. The team uses advanced duplex ultrasound technology, a 15-minute imaging procedure, to diagnose you at the office.
Am I at risk of getting DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis can occur because of one or more risk factors, including genetics and others related to your lifestyle. Your risk for DVT may be higher than average because of:
- General aging
- A traumatic injury
- Venous insufficiency or varicose veins
- Cancer or chemotherapy for cancer
- Clotting disorders
- Hormonal contraceptives
- Hormone therapy
- Certain medications
- A lack of exercise
Even if you don’t yet have DVT, the specialists at Goldman Vein Institute can help you evaluate your risk factors and take preventive steps to reduce your chances of getting blood clots.
What are my treatment options for DVT?
If you have a DVT diagnosis, the team at Goldman Vein Institute works with you to prevent your blood clot from growing, prevent new blood clots from developing, and reduce your risk of pulmonary embolism. They create a personalized treatment plan for you, which might include:
Blood-thinning medications can be very effective in treating DVT. They can help prevent new blood clots and keep your current blood clots as small as possible. Other medications, called thrombolytic drugs, help break apart current blood clots.
Certain exercises like knee pulls and ankle circles can help promote blood flow in your legs. It’s important to move more throughout your day, in general, to stop your DVT from worsening.
Compression wear
Your provider might recommend compression stockings to prevent swelling and to prevent new blood clots from forming.
In some cases of DVT, surgery is necessary for treatment. During surgery, your surgeon opens your blood vessel with an incision and physically removes the blood clot.
To find out if you have DVT or if you’re at risk, call Goldman Vein Institute or book an appointment online today.
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